Legislation in english
Decision No. 105 of 04.09.2023
for the approval of the Procedure regarding the temporary/occasional provision of veterinary medical services by veterinarians established in one of the member states of the European Union, in another state belonging to the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation
Decision no. 86 of 28.01.2019
for the approval of the Procedure for the issuance of the temporary Certificate of Compliance
DownloadDecision no. 68 of 01.07.2016
for the approval of the Procedure regarding the recognition of the professional qualification for practising of the veterinarian profession in the territory of Romania for the veterinarian’s holders of an evidence of formal qualification achieved in the territory of a Member State
DownloadDecision no. 62 of 29.01.2015
for the approval of the Procedure for the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance and the European Certificate of Current Professional Status
DownloadLaw no. 258 of 26 September 2013 amending and supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 approving the program management of stray dogs
Article I (Art. I) Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2 001 approving the program management of stray dogs , published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 794 of 13 December 2001, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 227/2002 , as amended, is amended and supplemented as follows
DownloadStatute of romanian veterinarian of 24th october 2010
Article 1 For the purpose of this Statute , the following definitions shall apply : a) veterinarian - that person who has Romanian or foreign citizenship and holds a veterinary medical degree issued by an institution of higher education in Romania or abroad and is officially recognized by the competent authority in Romania;
DownloadRules of organization and functioning of the college of romanian veterinarians of 24th october 2010
Article 1 (1) The organization and functioning of the College of Romanian Veterinarians shall be under Law no. 160/1998 on the organization and practice of veterinary profession, republished, as amended
DownloadOrder no. 17 of February 27, 2008 on approving the sanitary veterinary Norm regarding the registration process and official control of establishments where activities of medical and veterinary assistance are carried out
Seeing the Approval Report no. 71 869 of November 12, 2007, drawn up by D epartment of control and coordination of veterinary pharmaceutical activity in the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority , having regard to Article 46 of Law no. 160/1998 on the organization and practi ce of veterinary profession , republished , as amended, having regard to Article 10 line b ) and Article 15 . (3)
DownloadDecision to approve the implementing regulations to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 approving the stray dogs management programme
By virtue of Article 108 of the Romanian Constitution, as republished, and of A rticle III and Article V of Law no. 258/2013 amending and supplementing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2001 approving the stray dogs management programme, the Romanian Government has adopted this decision
DownloadLaw nr. 160 of 30th july 1998 for organization and practice of veterinary profession – republication
Article 1 (1) The veterinary profession is a liberal and independent profession, with an autonomous settled organization. It is organized and operates on the basis of autonomy, within the professional forum represented by the College of Romanian Veterinarians.